sabato 18 gennaio 2014

“Gluttony”@ Pyramid Cafè (Solaris Island) 19.01.2014

Pyramid Café presents the second meeting about Deadly Sins

Sunday, January 19th “Gluttony” at 1.30 pm slt

Art exhibition by Maloe Vansant and Burk Bode

Flute Gallery:


Maloe Vansant’s Biography:

When I entered Sl in 2007, a new world opened for me, because I never played games or joined any social network site, and this Sl featured the best of both worlds, at least for me and I am sure for many others.

After creating little M(aloe), my Barbie doll, my pixelsoul, I discovered the possibility to take snapshots, I started to turn of Maloe’s journey here into a a graphic diary, showing the emotions she experienced in her pixelworld and I think I succeed in this by using some postprocessing in photoshop.

I am not a woman of many words, I try to express myself, my feelings, my passion and probably my dark side through my pictures.


Burk Bode’s Biography:

A former human that got digitized in 2007 and since then lives in the cyberspace. Some say he was a german before he entered the grid, but that can be a rumor and is of no interest where he(?) exists now. Making his living as shapemaker, artist and bohemian.

Artists Statement:

Pablo Picasso said “Everything you can imagine is real.” He is right. Living in a world that is completely created from scratch just by the imagination of its residents you experience this. A place where you can invent yourself new every day and for a creative person a place where you MUST create yourself new every single day.

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